
BWB’s Artist Print Postcard Series
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The Affirmation Coloring Book
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Questions to Hold™ Card Deck
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Mujer - Art Print
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Matchstick - Art Print
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I’m Looking At You Tigress - Art Print
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BWB Gift Card
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BWB Mujer T-Shirt
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BWB Hoody
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Be You, Boldly - Art Print
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Match All-Over Print Joggers
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Casey Carroll

In addition to being BWB’s Creative Director, Casey is a writer with strong roots in photography and an unending love for letterforms. She received her B.A. in Creative Non-Fiction Writing and Photography from Ithaca College, studied women’s studies and feminist art at SUNY Albany and went on to earn her M.A. in Visual and Critical Studies from California College of the Arts. Her work focuses on issues of representation, image-making, identity, belonging, alternative ways of seeing and female empowerment.

Meet the Maker Grecia

Grecia Charry

Me gusta disfrutar y explorar el mundo ordinario: cajas de fósforos viejas, solitarias y olvidadas estaciones de gas, muñecos kitsch de caucho, postales vintage y  gráfica popular latinoamericana. A veces hay un concepto político, comercial o educativo detrás de mi arte, a veces solo se trata de memorias aleatorias o ideas tontas. Desde que era una estudiante he estado fascinada con la técnica del screen: la sensación de la tinta, la textura y grosor del papel y esta clase de milagro peculiar que ocurre cada vez que la tinta se transfiere al sustrato.

I like to celebrate and explore the ordinary world: old matchboxes, forgotten and lonely gas stations, kitschy rubber toys, vintage postcards and Latin American gráfica popular. Sometimes there is a political, commercial or educational concept behind my art, sometimes just random memories or silly ideas. Ever since I was a student, I have been fascinated with the screen-printing technique: the touch of the ink, the texture and thickness of the paper and this kind of peculiar miracle coming from every time ink transfers onto a substrate.