Casey Carroll; Questions to Hold podcast cover art

Welcome to thE Questions to Hold podcast hosted by BWB founder, Casey Carroll.

In this podcast, we explore the intersection of life’s biggest inquiries and our personal and professional worlds. 

Whose story are you telling? What does your body have to say? What impact are you having? Are you happy? 

Tune in for honest, thought provoking conversations with progressive leaders and entrepreneurs questioning our institutions, igniting change, and realizing new realities. 

Join us for our next discussion.

Recent Episode Details and Transcripts


What questions are you holding?


The Questions to Hold™ card deck invites you to build a more meaningful relationship with yourself and the world around you through the simple, yet profound practice of holding questions.

Pick a card and hold it.
Hold it as long as you like,
as long as you need —
perhaps forever.

Each of the 37 cards offers a confronting, everyday question that often goes overlooked - here becomes an inquiry with endless pathways into the depths of the truth.

Questions to Hold deck box, open, next to two of the QTH cards -- one reads "Whose story am I telling?"
  • “As someone who loves solving problems and answers to questions, I was intrigued by the idea of having a question to “hold” that did not need to be answered. I love their minimalist design that allows me to imagine the imagery that would go with each question. Each time I pull a card, I find myself wanting to come up with an answer, then I allow the question to just be, and see how it shapes my day. These cards have brought intentionality when I’ve been faced with an important project or challenge, and they always seem to be the perfect question at the right time.”

  • “The QtH deck is part of my daily practice of self-care. I use these cards to open up questions for myself and others, to journal, to think deeper, to guide discussions and honestly, just to ask! Asking questions is so important in a world that wants to know the solution before the questions are even asked. I love this deck and recommend it to anyone who is looking to further their journey into self-care, self-love and self-fulfillment!!”

  • “Pulling a card from the Questions to Hold deck has become part of my weekly intention setting. At the beginning of each week, I pull a card to keep on my desk to ponder as I move through the days. Each card reminds me that I am right on time and to trust the timing of what unfolds each week. These beautiful cards help me remember the power of embracing the journey, taking a breath, and holding space for questions instead of endlessly seeking answers.”


Caitlin and Grecia sit at a table outside, it's a beautiful day.

We believe holding — and asking — questions is essential to transform our internal worlds, and to revolutionize our institutions and industries for the better.

The practice of Questions to Hold™ began in 2015 as a way to encourage our coaching clients to have a deeper relationship with the main themes emerging in our work together, and to center curiosity, imagination and critical inquiry as key components to the changes clients were seeking within themselves and society.

Questions to Hold™ were offered in lieu of the more traditional “action item” as a form of resistance to dominant culture’s hyperfocus on doing as the primary way to advancement and achievement.

Since then, Questions to Hold™ has become a cornerstone of BWB’s midwifery approach and feminist philosophy, and is woven into all of the work we do from 1:1 coaching to full service brand packages.

Interested in being a guest on the podcast?

We are always interested in talking to folks holding big questions in their life and work. If you have a topic that you’d like to discuss, we want to hear from you!

Fill out the form and share a little more about why you think you’re a fit for the podcast, and let’s start the conversation.