best known for our ability to question and challenge existing Frameworks, we provide coaching to be you, boldly

Executive coaching + mentorship for entrepreneurs offers advisement, accountability, and guidance, every step of the way.

Our 1:1 and 2:1 coaching services ground aspirations in reality through concrete strategies and approaches, while providing encouragement and accountability.

Working with BWB was AMAZING! Casey and Cailtin were flexible and extremely supportive of my process. They catered the services to my unique goals and vision and didn't apply any pressure to the timeline. They were understanding and insightful through the duration of our work together. I would highly recommend BWB to any woman seeking guidance, clarity, support, and direction with their own entrepreneurial endeavor. Thank you so much, Casey and Caitlin! 

Shannon Mitchell

Casey has been integral in helping me reshape my business to best fit my life and serve my clients. Simultaneously she has gracefully guided me through birthing a powerful nonprofit over the past year and a half and I have just enthusiastically signed on for another 12 month contract for a monthly retainer. Working with Casey and her incredible team at BWB has given me such confidence through coaching, marketing direction, design, copy, etc. to share my mission and vision with the world. Through our work together, I have just become so damn proud of what we put out there. I know that with BWB working for us, our marketing materials will be nothing but the best.

Casey's coaching is my outlet to vent, brainstorm, dream, regroup, reflect and most importantly remember that my business must first nurture me. You can call it coaching but "therapy for my business life" resonates more with me. Casey will hold you, push you, ponder with you and just wait until you are ready. I cannot say enough about how vital she has been to my growth as a leader.

— Emilie Thomas

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